Hello friends today’s topic how to upload music on TikTok so if you don’t know about this then you can read this post completely because in this post I will tell you how to upload music on TikTok with step by step.
How to upload music on TikTok
I want to tell you that you only use the your own music song in TikTok video when you have video of that song means you can use the music of any video so if you want to upload music on TikTok them first download the music video then upload it.
1. Open TikTok app and click on plus icon.

2. Tap on “Upload“

3. Select the vedio.

4. After selecting the video you have to use the background sound of video, so tap on “next”

5. After processing , Post this video as private so tap on “post” then “private“

6. Now open your posted vedio and now you can pic up the sound from here, so tap on music icon.

7. Now tap on “loading“

8. So after loading sound , you can trim this sound and now you can use this sound and make your video.

This is the method to upload music on TikTok and I hope you will understand how to upload music on TikTok so if you like this post then give your feedback in comment and share this with your friends