Hello friends today’s topic how to use TikTok on pc so if you don’t know about this then you can read this post completely because in this post I will tell you how to use TikTok on pc with step by step.
How to use TikTok on PC
Shortly before today, the TikTok was only available for Android and iPhone, but now you can use the TikTok on your PC as it is also available in the Windows version.
1. First of all search Microsoft store on your PC and open it.

2. In the search bar type “TikTok”

3. Click on TikTok application.

4. Click on “get” and download TikTok in your PC.

5. Click on “install now”

6. Now you can see TikTok in your PC applications open it and now you can use this on your PC.

7. Now you can watch TikTok videos and also download these Tiktok videos in your PC and use TikTok on your PC.

This is the simple method to Use TikTok on pc and I hope you will understand how to upload music on TikTok so if you like this post then give your feedback in comment and share this with your friends.