All about TikTok video size [ Full Guide]-2022

People who want to make a video on TikTok and the biggest challenge is how to show their videos the best? That is, what should be the best size of their video so that, the video can be seen very clear to their users and loading very quickly means that their size should also be known and how much size we have to upload on the video TikTok and with it you should also know that how many maximum or minimum MB videos can we upload on TikTok.

So in today’s post, I will tell you about some different sizes of TikTok videos and I’m sure after knowing that, your confusion will be completely overcome.

Here are some points related to TikTok sizes that you must read –

TikTok video maximum size

  • If you upload the video from Android mobile on TikTok, then you can upload videos up to 72 MB at most.
  • If you upload videos from iOS then you can upload videos up to 287.6 MB

Length of video

  • You can upload maximums 15MB videos on TikTok.
  • Apart from this, you can also combine story videos and upload videos up to 60 seconds.
  • You can also use caption in TikTok videos.

TikTok Video Dimensions

Mostly, vertical videos are preferred on TikTok but you can also upload horizontal videos if you want.

Ideal size for TikTok videos

Your video dimensions should be 1080 x 1920 and video must use the entire canvas.

TikTok video Margin

Your video should have a margin of 150 pixels from top and bottom and 64 pixels from left and right sides.

What is Tiktok video resolution size?

  • Tiktok Supports an aspect ratio of 9:16.
  • The file have to be in a .mp4 or a .mov file format.
  • The code of the video should be H.264 encoded.

What is Tiktok video dimensions?

Generally, vertical videos are preferred on the platform of tiktok but we can also upload the horizontal videos if we want.

How to make money on Tiktok?

Since the platform’s user base has grown, it is not just limited to sharing fun and entertaining video content. With affiliate marketing, it is cost-effective to convert your audience into engaged customers for big brands. If you’re interested in making money with your Tiktok account, here are some basic guidelines for tiktok monetization.

Tiktok: the ideal sales channel for business owners

From the time of its launch in 2016 until today, the platform’s audience is growing significantly. If previously subscribers were only included in an age group between 16 and 25 years old, now adults are also joining in. Research has shown that active adults (approximately 14.3 million) typically log a minimal of 50 minutes on Tiktok. In the end, this platform is a sales network that can be exploited by large commercial businesses.

Monetize Tiktok with affiliate marketing

Due to the large audience of this social network, it is profitable to focus your content on affiliate marketing. To take advantage of this deal, simply add links to your profile to the advertiser’s profile to redirect your target. Be aware that it is impossible to add links directly to your video. But there are just as many creative ways to refine your strategy and make your audience more profitable.

What is Tiktok profile picture size?

We can use the 200px X 200px size of picture as our profile picture in tiktok.

What is Tiktok frame size?

The video dimensions should be 1080×1920 and video must use the entire canvas.

What is Tiktok video size?

  • For Android, if we want to post a video then we can upload videos upto 72MB at most.
  • For IOS, if we want to post a video then we can upload videos upto 287.6MB at most.

What is Tiktok video size in pixels?

Our video should have a margin of 150 pixels from top and bottom and 64 pixels from left and right sides.

What is Length of tiktok videos?

  • We can upload 15MB videos as maximum size.
  • Apart from this, we can also combine some videos like story videos and upload those videos upto 60 seconds.
  • We can also use caption in tiktok videos.

What is Tiktok size?

Tiktok supports the File Size :no specific restrictions ,≤500KB is suggested.

What is the maximum size of a TikTok video?

If you upload the video from Android mobile on TikTok, then you can upload videos up to 72 MB at most. If you upload videos from iOS then you can upload videos up to 287.6 MB.

What is Length of video on TikTok?

You can upload maximums 15MB videos on TikTok. Apart from this, you can also combine story videos and upload videos up to 60 seconds. You can also use caption in TikTok videos. Mostly vertical videos are preferred on TikTok but you can also upload horizontal videos if you want.Your video dimensions should be 1080 x 1920 and video must use the entire canvas.

What is TikTok video Margin?

Your video should have a margin of 150 pixels from top and bottom and 64 pixels from left and right sides.


Finally, I hope you know helpful information about “Tiktok sizes“. If you liked this post, then please give us your feedback in comment and share it with your friends on social media.

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