First of all , I want to tell you that what is SSN. The full form of SSN is social security number. If you use paypal in any way to transact payment or to deal with customers, then for this you need an tax ID number or SSN number. This is a social security number for our business.
So taday’s topic is how to remove SSN from PayPal. So taday I will only talk about that Is it possible to remove SSN number from PayPal account ?
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Can I remove SSN from PayPal

Your SSN number is proof of your identity in the Paypal account and if you remove the number from it, you can lose your identity from the PayPal account.
I want to tell you very clearly that there is not any official way to remove SSN from Paypal. If you still want to remove your SSN number, for this you will have to close your paypal account. After this, do not make any loan transaction, only make cash payment so that you do not have any work related to the transaction.
Can I change my SSN on PayPal?
I’d tell them that I wanted to change the information, and they would say “You want to change your SSN to an EIN”. … Eventually, the response did come in via email, and it was just about as unhelpful – there is no way to change your Social Security Number.
Can I use PayPal without Social Security number?
SSN is mandatory to create a PayPal account in the USA. … But, there are other ways to create PayPal account in the USA without using SSN: Otherwise you will be able to register using the EIN, however that is not the correct way. PayPal would ask for SSN anytime to verify your documents.
Can I trust PayPal with my SSN?
I doubt PayPal would ask for your SSN unless you applied for PayPal Credt. You need to be careful and never share that type of information unless the asker has a legitimate need to ask (as when applying for credit). Otherwise, as a payment provider, they would need that and wouldn’t likely ask.
Now I hope you will be clear that how to remove SSN from PayPal if you like this post then give your feedback in comment and share this with your friends.