How to invite your friends to follow you in TikTok | 8 – steps ( with screenshots )

TikTok is about making friends and sharing your videos with the world. Adding friends is really important because it helps us expand our fanbase. You can follow this guide to invite friends on TikTok. This guide will help you invite friends and expand your fanbase. A larger fanbase will help you get more likes and views on your Tickcock videos. So stay with the guide to know how to invite friends on Tiktok?

Steps to Invite Friends in TikTok :

1. Open the TikTok app: You will see a black icon with a white music note on your device. This is the icon for the TikTok application. Tap on the TikTok application to open it.

2. Go to your profile: You can go to your profile by tapping on the person icon at the bottom right corner. This will redirect you to the profile page.

3. Tap on the Find Friends option: On your profile page you will see the Find Friends icon at the top left corner. Tap on it to open the Find Friends page.

4. Tap on Search Contacts: On the Search Friends page, you will see a contact contact option, this will help you find friends in your contacts who are using the TikTok application.

5. Tap Invite Friends to invite contacts: You can also invite your friends by tapping on the invite friends option. This will allow you to invite friends who are not using TikTok.

6.  Tap on Invite: You will see your contacts who are not using the TikTok application. You can invite them by tapping on the Invite button immediately next to the contact name. 

7. You can choose from a number of available options: You can invite your friends from the number of available options like WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS, Twitter and etc.

8. You can also email and invite your friends: Tap on Email option and then you can invite your friends just by emailing them. Inviting friends is easy with the TikTok application.

You must have learned how to invite friends on TikTok? Now grab your phone and invite your friends on the TikTok app. This will help you to increase your fanbase and also the scene you see. You can visit our website for such guides on the TikTok application. Give your feedback about this article through comment and also share with your friends.


How many friends can we invite together?

TikTok is about making friends and sharing your videos with the world. Adding friends is really important because it helps us expand our fanbase. That’s why you need to invite anyone. Tap Invite Friends to invite contacts. You can also invite your friends by tapping on the invite friends option. This will allow you to invite friends who are not using TikTok.

What do you need to invite anyone?

Open the TikTok app, You will see a black icon with a white music note on your device. This is the icon for the TikTok application. Tap on the TikTok application to open it. Go to your profile, you can go to your profile by tapping on the person icon at the bottom right corner. This will redirect you to the profile page. Tap on the Find Friends option. On your profile page you will see the Find Friends icon at the top left corner. Tap on it to open the Find Friends page. Tap on Search Contacts. On the Search Friends page, you will see a contact option, this will help you find friends in your contacts who are using the TikTok application. Tap Invite Friends to invite contacts. You can also invite your friends by tapping on the invite friends option. This will allow you to invite friends who are not using TikTok. Tap on Invite, you will see your contacts who are not using the TikTok application. You can invite them by tapping on the Invite button immediately next to the contact name. You can also email and invite your friends. Tap on Email option and then you can invite your friends just by emailing them. Inviting friends is easy with the TikTok application.

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