How to delete reshade pubg | 7 – Steps ( With Screenshot )

Hello friends today’s topic is about how to delete resade pubg. Resade is a tool which provides the power of advanced features and advanced graphics and other more benefits to users so it is taking as a cheating in pubg.

ReShade has been banned in PUBG. If you do not remove ReShade, you will be blocked from playing the game. So it is necessary to delete the resade from pubg.

So if you want to delete reshade from pubg then read this post completely because in this post I told step by step how to delete resade pubg.

Delete resade from pubg

Step 1 : Open steam library in your PC.

delete resade pubg

Step 2 : now right click on pubg and then click on properties option.

delete resade pubg

Step 3 : Click on local files then select ‘browse local files’ option.

delete resade pubg

Step 4 : now click on, TslGame>>Binaries >> WIN64

delete resade pubg

Step 5 : Now delete the ‘reshade-shaders’ folder, bgprimary, bg secondary and cookies as well as the PUBG and both the dxgi files.

delete resade pubg

Step 6 : Now you have to go to the local files again and verify the integrity of game files.

Step 7 : Once the process is complete then you can run your game.


How do I uninstall ReShade Fivem?

You can uninstall it by using the same tool you used for installation. Just run reshade setup, select the game and, after choosing the APi, it will ask you if you want to overwrite or uninstall: click “No”.

How do you update ReShade?

If you want to update ReShade itself only and leave the shaders alone, just replace “ReShade32. dll”, “ReShade64. dll” and the “ReShade Assistant” executables with the updated ones. Then open up the assistant and reload all profiles, so their binaries are updated as well.

How do I delete all PUBG files?

Go to: %appdata%\.. \Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and delete all files in there and everything should be set to default. Delete the files you edited then verify the game cache through steam, it’ll re-download the vanilla files for you.


So It is the simple method to delete reshade from pubg game so that you can fairly play pubg game.

So I hope you will understand how to delete reshade from pubg. if you like this article then please give your feedback through comment and also share with your friends.

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