Hello friends today’s topic is how to confirm email on PayPal. If you don’t know then to confirm email on PayPal read this post completely because in this post I will told you how to confirm email on PayPal with step by step.
How to confirm email on PayPal
1. Login to your PayPal account and tap on menu button.

2. Now click on settings icon.

3. Scroll down and Tap on pencil icon in front of your email address.

4. Tap on “confirm this email address”

5. Finally tap on “I agree”

After completing this steps , your email address will be confirmed successfully.
How long does it take for PayPal to confirm email?
Anything with @paypal should be unblocked. After that, ask for the email to be re-sent again. If you still don’t receive it within 24 hours, you may need to contact your email provider about why your emails aren’t showing up. In the long run, if you can’t confirm the email address, remove it from your account.
Why won’t PayPal confirm my email?
If you have not received the PayPal message to confirm your email address, please check your spam or junk mail folder. You may also try adding [email protected] to your address book to see if you can find the confirmation email. … Click Confirm this email. Check your inbox for an email with the new number.
How do I know if my PayPal email is confirmed?
When you go to your Profile and settings, Address, then “Update”, on the next page, if your address is Confirmed, you will see it the Status column.
By using this simple method you can easily confirm your email address on PayPal and I hope you will understand how to confirm email address on PayPal. If you like this post then give your feedback comment and share this with your friends.