Hello friends, today’s topic is how to block Paytm account so if you don’t know to block Paytm account delete this post completely because in this post I will tell you completely how to block Paytm account with step by step.
How to block Paytm account
1. Open Paytm app and Tap on top 3 lines.

2. Tap on 24*7 help.

3. Scroll down and tap on profile settings.

4. Enter the Paytm number which you want to block and tap on Submit.

5. Tap on ‘I lost my phone/I want to block my account’

6. Tap on ‘I want to block my account to prevent it from misuse’

7. Tap on ‘ message us ‘

8. Enter your Paytm registered mobile number, and Upload asked document.

After this process , they will verify the document and send you a confirmation message to blocking your account.
How can I delete my Paytm account permanently?
Request To Delete Your Paytm Account On Phone Call Contact Paytm on this number 0120 3888 388 and request them to delete your paytm account. They will submit your request instantly over the call and after that, within 2 days your paytm account is deleted by them. You will receive a confirmation mail also.
Why Paytm account is blocked?
If our system detects multiple accounts being operated from a single IP address, it blocks the accounts. To unblock your account, please write to us at paytm.com/care from your Paytm registered email ID with your bank statement that clearly shows transactions made on Paytm, and we will unblock your account.
Can I close my Paytm bank account?
If you want to close your account, be sure you do not have any balance. The PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act) guidelines – section 12, point no. … 6.3 (bit.ly/ppiwallet) requires your transaction logs to be stored for a period of up to 10 years post the deletion of an account.
So this is the simple method to block your Paytm account and I hope you understand that how to block Paytm account. If you like this post then give your feedback in comment and share this with your friends