Hello friends today’s topic how to confirm PayPal address so if you don’t know to confirm Paypal address then read this post completely because in this post I will tell you how to confirm Paypal address with step by step.
How to confirm Paypal address
1. Login to your PayPal account and click on ‘settings‘ icon.

2. Scroll down and here you will see your address.

3. If you want to change this address then Click on ‘manage all addresses’

4. Then tap on ‘update‘

5. Fill new address and Click on change address.

Why is my PayPal address not confirmed?
A confirmed PayPal account address means that the buyer’s credit card billing and shipping address are the same. At this time, we cannot confirm most addresses outside of the U.S. … Sellers may deliver to an unconfirmed address, but they are responsible for any buyer-initiated disputes.
How do I confirm my PayPal address on eBay?
Click My eBay at the top of most eBay pages. Under the Account section, click the PayPal Account link. Click the Link My PayPal Account button. You’ll be asked to log in to PayPal to finish linking your accounts.
How do I know if my PayPal address is confirmed?
When you go to your Profile and settings, Address, then “Update”, on the next page, if your address is Confirmed, you will see it the Status column. Assuming you’re not logged into your account, copy and paste the URL into your web browser, then press “enter”. You should get a PayPal Login Screen.
By using this method you can easily confirm and change your PayPal address. I hope you understand how to confirm Paypal address. If you like this post then give your feedback in comment and share this with your friends.