Hello guys today I am come with a topic related to pubg that how to add friends on pubg so if you want to add friends in pubg mobile game then and this post completely because in this post I have completely told how to add friends on pubg with step by step.
How to add friends on pubg
Step 1 : Open PUBG game.
Step 2 : click on your profile.
Step 3 : here , you see your character ID so you have to take your friends character ID.
Step 4 : now go back and click on bottom left side friends icon.
Step 5 : click on add friends.
Step 6 : write your friends character ID here and click on search and easily add your friend in pubg.
So this is the simple method to add friend in pubg mobile game. So I hope guys, you will understand how to add friends on pubg. If you like this article then give your feedback through comment and also share this with your friends.